Τετάρτη 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021

 Solus enim Deus qui singulis immobiliter et insensibiliter 

(For God alone who [gives motion to] individual [bodies] without moving and being perceived can truly distinguish motions from the apparent)


Scholium in Principia



He came back with a vengeance.

He said: afterlife is real and we're all gonna burn in hell, he said.

He said: you didn't  love me enough so go fuck yourself in eternal damnation, he said.

I am the Lamb of God you shall not feast on the sweetness of my milk anymore, you catatonic free-loaders, he said.

Go fuck yourselves, he said.

Dies irae dies ila, he sang.

Locusts on your god-damn nostrils, he said.

He flew away like Superman srtricking the fist-pose.

He came back after a few years; he was lonely.

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