Δευτέρα 22 Ιουλίου 2013

Monster Mitosis

 "I learned how to pretend to be a woman  through the mezmerizing observation and mimicry of the odd effeminate boy."
David Attenborough

Oscar Wilde, not I ,

What is more justified to
 be glorified for the emensity
 of its beauty than the naked
 male member? Nothing. 
Mark my words.

Κυριακή 21 Ιουλίου 2013

The sad Pirate

I am a taaall pirate.
I have a spider on my hand.
I do drugs. Because I'm sad. 


Σάββατο 20 Ιουλίου 2013

Set Theories

"Actual infinity does not exist. What we call infinite is only the endless possibility of creating new objects no matter how many exist already."

I am a set.
 I am a set.

I am a set that contains all the sets that do not contain themselves.
I am a set of two infinities and an apple.
I am a set of a set that includes all natural numbers  but does not include Jews. (My set is a racist little shit)
I am a set of a Set that includes all single virgin males above 30. My name is the internet.
I am a set that contains the nice life you could have had.
I am a set that contains all the humans that are dead and two stamps of the Morrocan Post.
I am the set of all the times someone will tell you "did you come"  in your life.
I am a set of all the rules humans have established to describe the patterned (and magnificent) behaviour of sets. Mathematically speaking, and otherwise (e.g. figuratively)
I am a set of pyjamas.
I am a set ; an embodiment of the idea or concept which we conceive when we regard the arrangement of its parts as a matter of indeferrence. At least according to Bolzano.
I am a set of all the copies of Dedekinds' "Continuity and irrational numbers" ' first publication.
I am the Adam Set. I came from Cantor's in 1874. I am the first set that ever lived.
And I am immortal.
And rrreally pissed off at humanity.
I live under a bridge.

I am a tennis set.
I am a set of scissors.
I could cut your balls off.
I am a set of all the sets you could list before you die. Also known as mortality set.
I am a set of all the sets that have been listed here so far, except for the one apple. 
I am a set of all the racist grannies you will fight verbally.
I am a set equivalent to another set, which means I have a one- to- one correspondance , solely with prison inmates on the death row.
I am a set from the Naive Set Theory, so everyone thinks I'm stupid and they don't wanna hang out with me.

I am a Set because I came from Georg Cantor's urethra. 
This is textbook Set- reproductive- system .
As everyone knows, New Sets are extracted through Georg Cantor's by-nightly semi- seminal fluid (other half is sets) through the medium of tweeeezers.  
 I will always believe that my God and Maker Dr. Georg Cantor is the one and true Messiah, his grace, the overlord of this and the afterlife's.
 To him I pledge allegiance.
 To him I bow trembling with passionate love for his defined divine glory.
 To him I bow in silent agony, longing for his mental touch and fearing for his disgust towards this coward, idiot.

     'Tis true , you know. When sets die,
                  they go to Cantor's Paradise.

  His imperial majesty, his holy highness the Emperor Above, son of Heaven and Lord of ten thousand years.  
We. The person without enough morality.

Σάββατο 13 Ιουλίου 2013

Σάββατο 6 Ιουλίου 2013

Διατηρώντας την επιστημολογία σου ανέπαφη,

θα επιτελέσεις τακτικά και ευλαβικα το έργο του Διαβόλου,
     ακολουθώντας τις σαφείς οντολογικές προσταγές που σου πάσαραν πάππου προς πάππου τα
            προηγούμενα ιβρύδια που υποκρίθηκαν πως επιβιώνουν στη θέση που τώρα κάποιοι ανόητοι ονομάζουν ζωή
Διατηρώντας την επιστημολογία σου ανέπαφη,
      τα πειράματά σου θα χαρακτηρίζονται απο εσωτερική συνοχή ανάλογη με αυτή κβαντικών  πειραμάτων
         αλλά θα αδυνατείς και πάλι λόγω της ταπεινότητας του είδους σου (εκτός αν οι αντιτακτοί αντίχειρες και το εμβόλιο για τη διφθερίτιδα μπορούν να δικαιολογήσουν την παραμονή ενός γένους στον πλανήτη)
          αλλά θα αδυνατείς και πάλι λόγω της ταπεινότητας του είδους σου να διαχωρήσεις τoν πειραματιστή 
            την πειραματική συνθήκη
                         τα πειραματικά δεδομένα
Διατηρώντας την επιστημολογία σου ανέπαφη
                            δεν ανακάλυψες  
το φαύλον  
               των επίκυκλων και των επίκυκλών τους
             Αλλά δε σε ένοιαζε και τόσο γιατί στο Μοναστήρι ο αδελφόs Οκτάβιο κάνει καλά τσιμπούκια. 

Κάποιος μου είπε: "Δείξε μου την οντολογία σου να σου πω ποιός είσαι",
αλλά όταν τον έβγαλα έξω και του τον έδειξα μου έιπε ότι φαίνεται μικρό και άσχημο και στεναχωρέθηκα.