Παρασκευή 19 Απριλίου 2013

 I can hear you to here, blood Brother

Why would you ever stop screaming?

Why would you ever stop screaming?

Has your past or present life ever given you a reason to do so?
You were born.
Then you started screaming.
You started screaming at the top of your lungs.
You started screaming in Aramaic, that's why no-one could understand you (babies a priori know Aramaic).
You screamed and you screamed
and it was only five seconds after
you came out of that disgusting pinkish wet tunel covered in blood and poo.
You started screaming:
“Please God, deliver me from this evil” , you said. (You were refering to your life).
But no God listened. (you had the metaphysical tick when you were young. It's ok. You were young, you did not know better.)
Carnap will never know. It's ok. We won't tell him. We will not embarass you with further references to your
pre- analytic self. It' ok.
Ayer will never know.
It' ok.
We won't tell him.
Quine will never know.
It' ok.
We won't tell him.
Neurath will never know.
It's ok.
We won't tell him.
We will not inform Weismann.
We will not tell Feigl.
Austin will not know.
It's ok.
We won't tell them.

You know how easy it is.
How easy it is for the Metaphysical and Psychological element to invade ,cancerously, your everyday speech.
It happens to everyone.
It happens to the best of us.
It's not such a big deal.
Anyways, size doesn't matter.
It's how you use your proofs.

And most of all,
we know you love him,
we would never tell
we know you would marry that anti-semite son of a bitch in a second
“he who praises God”
no, Göttlob would never, ever, ever, find out.
We would first tell him he looks like an en-dwarfed version of Kropotkin and that his attempts to save Basic Law V in Grundgesetze der Arithmetik Band II was, to say the least, pathetic, disapointing, and a hint of an aged, boring mind, before telling him about that.
About your sins of thought.
How when you were a baby you had the Metaphysical, leaching off your brain.
You were a baby. It's ok.
Your secret is safe with us.

So your life started loudly.
But so does everynone else's.
It's when they grow up,
and they start screaming inside,
that they don't understand how you can like this kind of music.


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