Τρίτη 21 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021

Tangere enim et tangi ,nisi corpus, nulla potest res. (For nothing can touch or be touched , save body.)

Hunc igitur terrorem animi tenebrasque necessest

non radii solis neque lucida tela diei

discutiant, sed naturae species ratioque 

(This horror of the mind, therefore, and this gloom must be dispelled, not by the sun's rays nor the bright shafts of day, but by the aspect and law of nature)

The switch is gonna FALL, roll down like a-chewed-up cotton-ball in your mouth.

The Sun wants to be coming crushing down on the mountains (burn , motherfucker, burn) he wants to burn it all.

Gulp it down ALL, like fresh semen or hot ashes.

EAT your own fucking words, you pheasant.


Omnia quapropter  debent per inane quietum

aeque ponderibus non aequis concita feri

(wherefore they must all be carried with equal speed, although not of 

equal weight, through the unresisting void)

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